Monday, December 17, 2007

Huckabee Invokes Christ In TV Ad

While fomer Governor Huckabee once appeared mildly amusing -- however geekish and wholly unitellectual -- with his clumsy foisting of the D-list endorsement of Chuck Norris into the staid campaign scrum, the sheer noxiousness of his present oily message has been made patently clear with the above YouTube video. From ABCNews Blogs:

"Tomorrow in Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee launches a new TV ad called 'What Really Matters.'

"... With 'Silent Night' strumming as soothing background music, Huckabee tells voters he doesn't blame them if they're 'worn out' from all the political ads.

"As the camera pans to reveal a Christmas tree behind him, the former Baptist minister says that at this time of year 'what really matters is the celebration of the birth of Christ and being with our family and our friends.'

"I cannot remember a presidential candidate ever invoking Christ in a TV ad before."

Could you please, Governor Huckabee, like, kindly keep your last-minute low grade piece of ass appeals to the lowest, drooling nature of the American electorate to yourself? We prefer candidates who speak to the highest emotional and intellectual aspirations of these United States of America.

Thank you!

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