Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Hillary Surrogates: Did Obama Sell Drugs?

This blog told you on November 17th that there were rumors floating about the ethers that the Hillary camp would go negative on Obama's cocaine use if they started falling in the polls. The time has just about come. As the snow falls in the Midwest, Clinton surrogates once again prove how goddam ugly political dynasties can get when their hold on power is threatened and the reptilian survival instinct kicks in. From The Washington Post blog via Politico:

"'The Republicans are not going to give up without a fight ... and one of the things they're certainly going to jump on is his drug use,' said Shaheen, the husband of former N.H. governor Jeanne Shaheen, who is planning to run for the Senate next year. Billy Shaheen contrasted Obama's openness about his past drug use -- which Obama mentioned again at a recent campaign appearance in New Hampshire -- with the approach taken by George W. Bush in 1999 and 2000, when he ruled out questions about his behavior when he was "young and irresponsible.'

"Shaheen said Obama's candor on the subject would 'open the door' to further questions. 'It'll be, 'When was the last time? Did you ever give drugs to anyone? Did you sell them to anyone?' Shaheen said. 'There are so many openings for Republican dirty tricks. It's hard to overcome.'"

Ah, we almost forgot about the ugliness -- expediency? -- of Clinton politics.

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