Monday, November 26, 2007

Media-Whore D'Oevres

"With the Iowa caucuses a little more than a month away, Sen. Barack Obama has been turning up the heat, going on the offensive and making sure Iowa voters know how he differs from his main rival for the Democratic presidential nomination. His most poignant efforts at distinguishing himself from Sen. Hillary Clinton have been on the topic of experience. In one of Clinton's most aggressive jabs yet, she made a comment last week implying that Obama's foreign policy experience was limited to the four years he spent living in Indonesia as a child. Obama countered, downplaying the New York senator's much touted experience as first lady, equating her role in the White House as similar to that of any politician's spouse. 'There is no doubt that Bill Clinton had faith in her and consulted with her on issues, in the same way that I would consult with Michelle, if there were issues," the Illinois senator told 'Nightline' co-anchor Terry Moran. 'On the other hand, I don't think Michelle would claim that she is the best qualified person to be a U.S. senator by virtue of me talking to her on occasion about the work I've done,' he said." (Nightline)

"There's been a sharp shift in the campaign, as Hillary -- who ignored her opponents sniping for weeks -- is now hitting Obama with the same directness that Edwards has been hitting her. The campaign sent out a release just now headlined, 'Clinton Campaign Responds To New Revelations About Obama Campaign Finance Practices,' and referring to a Washington Post story today that reports that Obama has been using his own PAC to spread money around in the early states. The Post reports that it's a practice that's probably against the rules, but not uncommon (Biden appears to have done the same on a much smaller scale) and rarely enforced (like everything else) by the FEC. Still, it's on a pretty large scale, and muddies up Obama's image as a reformer, which he's buffed with technical campaign finance legislation." (Politico)

"Which supposedly sober country queen seems to have tumbled off the wagon? The much-liked Southern singer had to be helped from the stage to her dressing room after a recent live appearance." (Gatecrasher)

"WHICH Latina pop star's boyfriend is said to have quickly approached a photo agency to buy up all the pictures of himself with an African-American hottie snapped at Tenjune?" (PageSix)

"... In Annapolis, for example, the Bush Administration is attempting to display its power by convening Israel and the Palestinians with the support of the Arab League, including Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Lebanon. Meanwhile, the Teheran-Damascus axis proves its strength in other arenas: The destabilized Lebanon, the burning Iraq, and unstable Gaza Strip. Time and again, Iran proves the strength of its grip in the 'Shiite crescent,' from Iraq to Syria and Lebanon, all the way to the Palestinian territories. Syria fully admits to it." (Ynetnews)

"An Islamist Web site often used by al Qaeda says Osama bin Laden will address Europe in a new audiotape to be released soon. A banner headline on the site says the 'Lion Imman who defeated the American tyrants' will address the European people. Bin Laden and his followers have repeatedly threatened massive attacks on European cities although none have been carried out." (BrianRossReports)

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