Thursday, November 08, 2007

Media-Whore D'Oevres

"...The cast of characters that put on a show today at 55th and Fifth were as entertaining as ever. The dining room was bustling and filled with a tasty stew of publishing powerhouses, television types and social swans who table-hopped and air kissed like mad. The most intriguing person of the day award goes to Kitty Kelley. The queen of the tell-all unauthorized biography arrived all smiles, sporting a black pinstriped power suit. The diminutive diva purposefully strode over to table one where she sat alone surveying the crowd for a while. When she was joined by her agent Wayne Kaybak, the duo sat in the alcove huddled in quiet conversation except for a brief interlude when well-wisher Michael Gross ventured over to the table to introduce himself." (FishbowlNY/Lunch at Michael's)

"Nobel laureate Joseph E. Stiglitz writes about the economy for this month’s Vanity Fair, arguing that the repercussions of the Bush administration will be felt for generations to come. While Herbert Hoover has been regarded as the 'worst president' when it comes to the economy, Stiglitz writes, Bush’s legacy is far more insidious. Consider, he writes, the interest we are paying year after year on the almost $4 trillion of increased debt burden—even at 5 percent, he notes, that’s an annual payment of $200 billion, or two Iraq wars a year forever." (VanityFair)

"After the Diary came out, we got a lot of comments and not a small amount of 'information' on Jessica (Seinfeld) and her new cookbook and Jessica and her 21 pairs of Christian Laboutin (not, as I reported incorrectly, Manolo Blahnik) shoes that she gave to Oprah, the new Kitty Kelley subject. And Jessica and her alleged 'four press agents' and her bid for public attention and her treatment of others she doesn’t deem as important as she (she ignores them pointedly), and how she treated a hairdresser to whom she allegedly once confessed that her husband liked to watch porn all day." (NYSD)

"Congress for the first time reversed one of President Bush’s rare vetoes after the Senate Thursday voted 79-14 to override the president’s veto of the Water Resources Development Act. Bush had vetoed the measure earlier this month, citing its cost as the reason for sending it back to Congress. However, for the first time, enough Republicans sided with the Democratic majority in both chambers to buck the White House." (TheHill)

"Supermodel Kate Moss and lover Jamie Hince squash into a taxi with drag queen Jodie Harsh at Claridges to carry on the party at Davinia Taylor's. And next day Kate wore leopard-print as she left her pal's home. She'll never change her spots..." (3AMGirls)

"Which 'SNL' vet is making himself unpopular on the sets of his TV guest spots? 'He doesn't bother talking to any of the men,' fumes one insider. 'He's only interested in flirting with all the girls.'" (NYDailyNews)

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