Friday, November 30, 2007

Media-Whore D'Oevres

"PAUL McCartney can't buy love, but he can buy lots of fancy lingerie and pricey perfume. The aging ex-Beatle has gifted both Nancy Shevell and his newest flame, Rosanna Arquette, with a bottle of a fragrance he enjoys and a few lacy underthings. 'He has a ritual. He buys the same thing. He's been buying a bottle of perfume and lingerie for so long, it's predictable,' said our insider. 'He gives it to them even before they get dinner. He's done it with everyone he's been with.'" (NYPost)

"JUSTIN Timberlake bought his cur rent and probably temporary love Jessica Biel a surfboard. Nice, right? But, then, he'd also previously bought his previous and definitely temporary love Cameron Diaz a surfboard." (CindyAdams)

"Three weeks after 9/11, when the roar of fighter jets still haunted the city's skyline, the emir of gas-rich Qatar, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifah al-Thani, toured Ground Zero. Although a member of the emir's own royal family had harbored the man who would later be identified as the mastermind of the attack—a man named Khalid Sheikh Muhammad, often referred to in intelligence circles by his initials, KSM—al-Thani rushed to New York in its aftermath, offering to make a $3 million donation, principally to the families of its victims. Rudy Giuliani, apparently unaware of what the FBI and CIA had long known about Qatari links to Al Qaeda, appeared on CNN with al-Thani that night and vouched for the emir when Larry King asked the mayor: 'You are a friend of his, are you not?'" (WayneBarrett/VV)

"Congressional Democrats are reporting a striking change in districts across the country: Voters are shifting their attention away from the Iraq war. Rep. Jim Cooper, a moderate Democrat from Tennessee, said not a single constituent has asked about the war during his nearly two-week long Thanksgiving recess. Rep. Michael E. Capuano, an anti-war Democrat from Massachusetts, said only three of 64 callers on a town hall teleconference asked about Iraq, a reflection that the war may be losing power as a hot-button issue in his strongly Democratic district." (Politico)

"Alice (Dellal) was running around with the scrumptious Pierre Casiraghi and now she seems to be snuggling up to James Jagger (son of Mick & Jerry!), an actor who made his debut on stage this year in London and has the film Gangster Kittens coming out this year. Alice is all of 19 and the daughter of an English Mr. Moneybags and a Brazilian former model." (Mr.Mickey)

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