Saturday, October 06, 2007

Sharon: "If Anything Happens to Affect our Brains, We have Decided we'll Just Put Ourselves out of our Misery"

(image via ew)

Sharon Osbourne knows how to court controversy (NSFW). She also, ironically, knows how to "Court Love." From Thisislondon:

"Indeed, she was keen to confide a trifle morbidly in her fellow partygoers, who included Sir Elton John and actress Uma Thurman, that she has already laid plans for her own final days.

"She and her husband Ozzy Osbourne have, she told them, drafted a 'living will' which states that, should they be struck down by dementia, they will travel to Switzerland, where they have made arrangements for their assisted suicide.

"'If anything happens to affect our brains, we have decided we'll just put ourselves out of our misery,' she has been gloomily telling friends of late.

"Given her rock star husband's rambling and incoherent attempts at conversation at the same glitzy event, it is, perhaps, hardly surprising that those same friends have taken to joking - somewhat unkindly - that Sharon has already bought him a one-way ticket."


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