Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Media-Whore D'oevres

(image via rogerlsimon)

"Ambassador Joe Wilson said he objected to columnist Robert Novak naming his wife as a CIA operative even before Novak wrote a 2003 column that later launched a federal investigation. He added that Novak is lying or being disingenuous by saying that he, Wilson, did not forcefully object to the naming of his wife as a CIA operative. 'I hope he’s going to confession, because otherwise he’s going to hell,' Wilson said." (TheHill)

"Last night, several hundred of New York’s most fashionably eco-aware gathered at the Museum of Natural History for a screening of CNN’s 'Planet In Peril,' a two-part documentary reported by Anderson Cooper , Dr. Sanjay Gupta, and Jeff Corwin, set to air on October 23rd and October 24th. The guest list read like the seating chart at Michael's, and of them at least Larry King, Arianna Huffington (sans crutches) and CNN president Jonathan Klein were visible in the well-dressed crowd."

"Breaking with her main rivals, Hillary Clinton won't file papers today to withdraw her name from the primary ballot in Michigan January 15. 'We will honor the pledge and not campaign or spend money in any state that is not in compliance with the DNC calendar, but it is not necessary to take the steps necessary to remove Senator Clinton's name from the ballot,' said her communications director, Howard Wolfson. The move means she's virtually certain to win the primary, but that her victory will mean even less. The Democratic National Committee has already announced plans not to seat Michigan's delegates at next year's Democratic National Convention, to punish the state for moving its primary forward in violation of party rules." (Politico)

"Cable centerfolds Anderson Cooper and Jeff Corwin came together last night at the Museum of Natural History to celebrate their joint project, Planet in Peril. Of course we made a beeline straight for Anderson and introduced ourselves. 'I'm working on my biceps,' he assured us, without our even asking." (NewYork)

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