Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Tarantino Not Interested In Directing Heroes

Remember back in the day when QT was -- sotto voce -- ghetto? He didn't know he was famous so he was on every tv show that asked him -- even on Politically Incorrect -- squandering much of his "mystique capital," even as he was being touted as the hottest new director since Spielberg. Back in the day Tarantino disgustingly used the guise of a "casting call" to inject actresses in the tush.

Can you say ghetto?

QT was even posed in a Bikini Magazine photo spread sipping on a 22-ouncer of high-gravity malt liquor St. Ides.

The pimp move, to be sure, would have been to remain silent. Let your films speak for themselves. It never hurt Kubrick. Well, on the subject of "Heroes," QT is silent, interspersed, of course, with some colorful language. Tarantino wants you to know that he doesn't want to direct that show. Only ... he uses another four letter word that starts with the letter "s" instead of "show" From Cinematical:

"Dark Horizons has spotlighted an interview with Quentin Tarantino that will have geeks everywhere bemoaning what might have been. Tarantino has turned down an offer to direct an episode of the hit NBC drama Heroes. His reason? He doesn't know what Heroes is. QT told The Sun, 'They were trying to get me to do one. I haven't even seen the f***ing show. What the f*** is Heroes?'"

See, they approached the whole thing incorrectly. If they had sent over a picture of Hayden Pantierre's feet -- so as to show him what he has to, eh, work with -- they would have had to beat him off (in retrospect, a poor choice of words) the set with the proverbial stick.

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