Thursday, September 13, 2007

Marc Jacobs Goes Batshit

Waiting for the Marc Jacobs show to begin. (image via newyork)

Like the over-wrought Suzy Menkes (that's a spicy pizza), we are not entirely averse to murdering Marc Jocobs (Though not, like Suzy, with our "bare hands").

What the fuck is wrong with Marc Jacobs, anyhoo? Why can't he get his shit together? Didn't Anna Wintour once threaten his ass a while back when he couldn't get his business in line? This man has months and hundreds of thousands of dollars at his disposal to bring off a show and he still is -- on average -- 2 hours late in his shows?

The Corsair is mad a hell and he's not going to take it anymore!

Wouldn't it be grand -- swell, even -- if everyone who is anyone for one season refused to show up at the Marc Jacobs show, just to teach him a lesson. It would be like the Ingmar Bergman movie with the Parson bleakly preaching to an empty delegation only, uh, with fashion. From New York:

"Marc Jacobs goes bananas in Women's Wear Daily today, threatening to leave the country, berating the Council of Fashion Designers of America, and excoriating anyone who complained about his Monday fashion show beginning two hours late. 'I don't really feel a part of the American fashion community,' he spat to WWD editor Bridget Foley."

To paraphrase Spicoli in Fast Times at ridgemont High: You Dick!

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