Thursday, August 16, 2007

Media-Whore's D'Oevres

"At the National Association of Black Journalists' annual convention last week, there was a discussion dedicated to the blackness of Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.). Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) joked in a speech that she is in an 'interracial marriage,' and some convention-goers mused that she might be 'black enough' herself." (Politico)

"I’ve heard her say she doesn’t come out East often, but Mandy Moore has been hanging out in the Hamptons so much I could literally predict her daily routine! Here she is hosting Polo - one of the several 'scene-y' events that the low-key Mandy supposedly can’t stand! She gets her coffee, where else, at The Golden Pear. Then shops at Intermix (where my friend saw her buying a Tshirt or two). She raided Super Saturday, sweetly asking salespeople if they had her size, a healthy 6." (BlogHamptons)

OK! appears to have grown subtly snarkier, affirmative title notwithstanding. Since the Britney photo shoot meltdown, the celebrity-friendly magazine seems to be moving along the gravitational axis of US Weekly, In Touch and Life & Style. That might not be such a bad orbit to follow considering that all three weeklies rose five to 10 percent in the latest numbers compiled by the Audit Bureau of Circulations." (FishbowlNy)

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