Monday, July 30, 2007

Media-Whore's D'Oevres

"The morass in Iraq and deepening difficulties in Afghanistan have not deterred the Bush administration from taking on a dangerous and questionable new secret operation. At a high level, U.S. officials are working with their Turkish counterparts on a joint military operation to suppress Kurdish guerrillas and capture their leaders. Through covert activity, their goal is to forestall Turkey from invading Iraq." (Novak)

"As TMZ first reported, Laura Wasser, Brit's lawyer, and K-Fed's attorney, Mark Vincent Kaplan, appeared in Court this morning with settlement papers. Wasser made a motion to keep the custody and child support provisions secret, on grounds that making it public would be harmful to the two kids. Judge Gordon granted that request, pending a hearing on August 14." (TMZ)

"There goes the neighborhood. Sarah Jessica Parker, who escapes the frenzy of the city on the weekends for the Bridgehampton cottage she shares with Matthew Broderick and their son James Wilke, had a bit of the urban jungle follow her out East over the weekend. The actress and designer, who’s set to start filming the movie version of Sex and the City this September and who recently launched her Bitten clothing line, was one of an exclusive group of friends invited to the Further Lane estate of Jerry and Jessica Seinfeld Saturday night for the latter’s 2nd-annual Baby Buggy dinner." (Fashionweekdaily)

"Village Voice columnist and self-proclaimed 'recovering TV-soundbyte whore' Michael Musto took a break from his exhaustive media schedule this weekend of commenting on cable on the Britney-Lohan scandals to catch up with FishbowlNY's Five Questions" (Ron Mwangaguhunga on FishBowlNY)

"... The Four Seasons Grill Room. Earlier this week, at first I was the only woman in a room full of navy bespoke suits, white shirts and power ties. Waiting for Barbara Walters and Joan Ganz Cooney, I saw Fox News Channel tycoon Roger Ailes lunching with Daily News publisher Mort Zuckerman. (The latter's recent publicity in New York magazine appeared without a single reference to his beloved daughter or to his private life. One would think Mr. Zuckerman was a monk.) Also glimpsed: financier Roger Altman and CBS head man Les Moonves in deep confab. Les was sporting a great tan from the day before lying by his pool in L.A. with his beautiful wife, Julie Chen. (He must have flown the red-eye back East.) Also, former Mayor Ed Koch and Realtor Bill Rudin with his daughter Samantha. (She's going into the family business. Let's hope she's a philanthropist, like the rest of the family.)" (LizSmith)

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