Thursday, July 05, 2007

Media-Whore's D'Oevres

"While most people celebrated the 4th with a swim, fireworks and a barbecue, Bai Ling spent her Independence Day getting married! Well, at least that what she said .. Her 'husband' would only say his name was 'anonymous' ... though it isn't hard to see why he'd want to keep his identity secret!UPDATE: An astute TMZ viewer has correctly identified the 'husband' as Damon Elliott, son of singer Dionne Warwick." (TMZ)

"(Barack Obama's) stock on Intrade is the highest it's been, with the traders there now giving him a 37 percent chance of getting the nomination." (Politico)

"From the moment NBC Entertainment prexy Kevin Reilly made his hasty exit from the Peacock in late May, there was speculation that he would wind up on the Fox lot, and for good reason. Industry insiders confirmed Thursday that Reilly is in talks to join Fox in a role that is expected to have him sign on as head of programming, while the current occupant of that job, Peter Liguori, takes on a broader role overseeing the network. Sources cautioned that the talks are in the early stages and that it's far from certain that a deal with Reilly will come to fruition. But if so, it would mark a reunion of the duo that were highly successful in turning FX into the original programming dynamo that it is today. Reilly served as FX entertainment prexy under Liguori from 2000-2003, when the cabler was transformed from a repository for 'In Living Color' reruns and live talkshows to a basic-cable equivalent of HBO with cutting-edge fare such as 'The Shield,' 'Nip/Tuck' and the short-lived but critically embraced John Corbett comedy 'Lucky.'" (Variety)

"The truth is so much better than fiction — after France became a Republican punching bag Gingrich is now preoccupied with a new French president. If this is the third time I have seen him talking about Sarkozy he must speak of him often. Gingrich says, 'Sarkozy had the courage to campaign on the theme that the French will have to work harder.' Gingrich criticizes American politicians for losing the will to change or at best being “hostage to advisors who don’t have the will to change ... Maybe Gingrich isn’t admitting that the government response to Hurricane Katrina or its stewardship of veterans care at Walter Reed Army Medical Center were inadequate, but it sounds like he thinks so." (TheHill)

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