Saturday, July 28, 2007

"Gingy" Eschews Democratic Multicandidate Debates

(image via tomtomorrow)

Listening to the Republicans poo-poo the YouTube debates for their plebeian and "undignified" nature is not unlike General Cornwallis looking down upon those damned, filthy colonials. Sure, YouTube -- a dynamic two year old company -- is messy, and sometimes downright silly. But it is an approximation of "direct digital democracy" and should be praised. It speaks volumes of the Republican Party with their ears only attuned to private equity donors and investment bankers in the DC-LA-NYC power nexus, that they would eschew something as low-rent as a YouTube debate.

But not "Gingy!" Or so we thought. Gingy's doctoral dissertation at Tulane was an impassioned attack of Belgian rule in the Congo. Being as he is -- or at elast was -- an enemy of Imperial arrogance, we found this item in our favorite Dickensian villain, Robert Novak, to be quite complementary of our pet theory that the Baby Boomers sold out all their principles as soon as they took their seats at the tables of Power:

"Contrary to reports that Newt Gingrich lost control in one of his temper tantrums at a breakfast last Monday sponsored by The American Spectator magazine, the former House speaker was variously described as 'grouchy,' 'cool' and 'arrogant' in assailing his critics.

"Gingrich made clear he would not be seen anytime soon engaging in multi-candidate debates with opponents for the presidency, disdaining them, as he said Charles DeGaulle once labeled his competitors, as 'pygmies.' But he did not rule out an eventual candidacy."

How curious that he invokes Charles DeGaulle, no? Somewhere deep within Gingy's breast beats a heart two-sizes too small.

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