Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Will John Edwards Take a Beating In The Sunday Times?

(image via msnbc)

Sundays are for relaxing, laying doggo on the couch with the relaxing Kenyan blend coffee after an evening of sordid events to much adult beverages, and, finally, becoming ensorcelled in this thing of ours called The Sunday New York Times.

On the Real:-- If we don't come up for air after an hour being nestled in the forgiving ink of the Book Review, then call in the cavalry. Come Sunday, however, the schizophrenic Times, which seems at times to both love and hate the dollar Billary campaign takes some time off to tee-off on John Edwards and his poverty crusade. It sounds, quite frankly, ugly. You've got to feel for the guy, he was wooden in his last campaign in 2004, but now he has really surmounted the Learning Curve, even sounding positively potent on foreign affairs (Which, The Corsair has always maintained, needs about 10 years of serious study to sound competent on) From Firstread via BenSmith:

"We got our hands on an upcoming New York Times magazine cover story examining Edwards and his poverty platform. Some highlights of the piece:

"-- 'What stands out the most about Edwards’s antipoverty ideas is their familiarity. It’s as if he has taken most of the proposals that have been talked about in policy groups and at university forums since the 1990s and thrown them all together into one comprehensive and expensive package. The individual proposals themselves, far from being radical or populist, basically sound — there’s no other way to put it — Clintonian'"

Ouch. More, much more (FirstRead)

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