Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Rupert and Geffen: Billionaire Boys Club

(image via nndb)

Rupe and Geffen? Both are billionaires, but you'd be hard-pressed to find any other similarities politically or otherwise. According to Nikki Finke (via HuffPo):

"I'm told that David Geffen this summer is going to have a new guest along on that vacation cruise he's organizing aboard his floating palace: Rupert Murdoch. Oh, to be a fly on the wall of that trip."

So, of course, does The Corsair:

Geffen: So, Rupe, what's up with the favorable coverage the Post is showering on Billary? What's up with that? Isn't the Post a Republican paper? What's the Quo that you're getting for the Quid?

Rupert: Spoken like a true Obama flack, Geffy. I'll answer your question if you answer how you knew to take your mischief to Maureen Dowd for maximum Media impact. Evil Genius, Geffy, evil genius.

Geffen: Like my old beard Cher used to sing with just the right vibratto, "Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves," Rupe. That's what we are.

Rupert: I've been meaning to ask about Cher. What the Hell were you thinking, Geffy?

Geffen: One doesn't turn down sex with an icon, Rupert.

Rupert (Raising a glass): Touche ... another glass of Peruvian peasant blood, David?

Geffen (Waiving off): No, no, I've had my fill. Need to watch my waist. It's an '83, right? A naive vintage, to be sure. (cordial laughter)

Murdoch: You know, the other night I sipped a '77 Belize orphan's juices at Sumner's .. positively heavenly. That Methuselan bastard has a cellar full. Of the orphans, I mean. He juices them at parties. Those orphans -- Mm: So rich.

Geffen: Not rich enough, evidently. (Both cackle)

Murdoch: Oh David, that's just hurtful.

-- Or something like that, we imagine such a conversation might go.

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