Monday, June 11, 2007

Rovak: Toss Gonzales, Pardon Libby.


(image via cnn)

Historians of the future looking backwards will note, in passing, that the defeat of the Immigration Bill was the moment the President became, officially, a lame duck. So -- what to do next? Appease the base, say some, to stem the flow of political blood off the starboard bow of the ship of State by jettisoning Gonzales. From our favorite Dickensian villain, Robert Novak:

"The White House isn't a happy place for the people working there. Scott Jennings, deputy political director, had expected these final tough years at least would be crowned by his getting the top job. But his minor role in the U.S. attorneys controversy has ruled that out, while he instead has to worry about paying legal bills. Indeed, the need to hire expensive Washington lawyers is an impediment in attracting bright young newcomers to the administration.

"What can a lame-duck president fighting an unpopular war do about this? Not much, but two possibilities are talked about in GOP circles: Let Gonzales go, and pardon Libby. That might lower Bush's approval ratings, but it sure would hearten his base."

But will he even listen to his base? (Rovack)

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