Monday, June 25, 2007


(image via gothamist)

It is like that acclaimed Akira Kurasawa film. There was a mugging. Or, was there? A heinous crime involving a stripper may or may not have happened. It all comes down to the perspective of the observers. Let's call it ... Roshawn-amon.From the NYPost:

"Foxy Brown is a 'colorful character' who was merely telling cops a 'colorful story' when she claimed a woman mugged her at a Brooklyn housing project, the suspect’s lawyer said yesterday.

"Clinton Hughes said his client Roshawn Anthony 'denies these charges in their entirety.'

"But, despite the fact that the hotheaded hip-hopper now denies she was even in the East New York projects when the supposed crime took place, Anthony, a stripper, was ordered held in lieu of $50,000 bond."

So, unlike Kurosawa's meditation upon Truth and Perspectivism, Inga's cinematic life is colorful. Also, the stripper may or may not have absconded with Foxy's hearing aid and, uhm, hair:

"Anthony, 23, and several other women allegedly pulled Brown from her car at the Pink Houses project at 4 a.m. Saturday and beat her before swiping her Louis Vuitton bag, which contained $500 in cash, credit cards and her hearing aid. The women also ripped out strands of Brown’s hair, police said."

Only in New York, kiddies. (NYPost)

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