Peter Bacanovic's Coming Out Party (June 14)
(image via timeinc)
You didn't get an invite to Bacanovic's coming out party, June 14th? Apparently we have not seen the last of Peter Bacanovic, shutterbug, who has friends in high places (Like the ballet). According to Liz Smith:
"ON JUNE 14, Barbara Walters will re ceive her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. After the sidewalk ceremony, Barbara attends 'The Pool Party' gala at the Beverly Hills Hotel, benefiting L.A.'s Center Dance Association. This fete, sponsored by Yves Saint-Laurent, is being put together by Liane Weintraub (Barbara's goddaughter) and Peter Bacanovic of Martha Stewart fame. The handsome and popular Bacanovic has kept a low profile since his involvement with Martha pretty much ruined him on the East Coast. The event is kind of a 'coming out' party for Bacanovic, who hopes to put his charm and fund-raising abilities toward elevating dance in his new hometown. While living in N.Y.C., he was a big supporter of ABT. And everybody I know simply adored him."
He took one for the team, we guess he deserves some love.(LizSmith)
It's no joke that Peter Bacanovic took one for the team ... in my book, he should be greeted with nothing but praise for what he did! A true gentleman.