Monday, May 14, 2007

Stallone and Human growth Hormone

(image via panopticist)

Do you suppose -- in your Blackest Divisings, Dear Reader -- that Sylvester Stallone's greasy sweat is not unlike a toxic concoction the color and consistency of a Frothy Beef Consomme (Said with a level gaze of thorough disgust)? Remember "Sly Magazine," that oily, disgusting experiment in vanity publishing where that side of Dry, aged beef, Sylvester Stallone mounted a soapbox -- Eew -- and told us with not entirely marble-mouthed diction how to be healthy and perfectly "Mantanned" as He? It was all a House of Lies artfully designed to "Pump" -- no pun intended -- us up. . While you're busy reading these quotes, we will be dry-heaving from the Sartrean nausea:

"Hollywood actor Sylvester Stallone has no innocent explanation for throwing four vials of testosterone out of a Sydney hotel window, a court has been told.

"Stallone, 60, today pleaded guilty to importing a prohibited import - the human growth hormone Jintropin - and possessing the banned substance testosterone. "

Sweet jesus. Do we really need to say any more? Isn't the lingering gut-punch that is the contemplating of that hideous strength of The Stallonian "Beef-Sweat" -- Eew -- enough? (TheWest)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Most athletes today are taking growth Hormone in homeopathic form because of its safety and gentleness. It's more like a performance tonic than anything else.
