Monday, May 28, 2007

Spike Lee Biopic: Wesley Snipes as James Brown

(image via photobucket)

What do James Brown and Wesley Snipes have in common? Both men have, to be sure, elaborate escape mechanisms -- interstate, international -- when dealing with "Johnny Law." (Exaggerated cough suggesting feigned detachment) Aside from the fact that they both had one-shot roles on "Miamia Vice (Wes played "Silk" in "Streetwise"; James Brown played the creepy Lou de Long in "Missing Hours")," they will both star in the new Spike Lee flic. According to Liz Smith:

"Spike Lee is a happy guy and not because he is in those ready-made-ingredient food commercials where the delivery guy mistakes him for a Chinese cook. Spike and Paramount have nabbed Wesley Snipes to play the movie role of the late great James Brown."

Well, Namibian tax evasions notwithstanding -- if you go in for that sort of thing(Averted Gaze) -- we are rather impressed with Snipes' ability to take a Tysonpunch(tm), back in the day when a "Tysonpunch(tm)" was worth a damn. (LizSmith)


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:55 AM

    I like Wesley, but not for the part of James Brown. I can't see him portraying an intricate part such as this, but I want to see the movie when it comes out.
