Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Senator John Warner Contra The Military MySpace Policy

(image via jmu.edu)

What an asshole move to block military access to YouTube and MySpace. Apparently, though, Senator John Warner, who knows something about the rigors of War, is on the case. Says the former Mr. Elizabeth Taylor to (Politico)
: "Sen. John Warner (R-Va.) said today he will investigate the Pentagon’s decision to cut off troop access to MySpace, YouTube and more than a dozen other websites. 'Believe me, I am going to jump on that like a June bug right now,' said Warner, a member of the Armed Services Committee."

We'll ... skip saying something positively citric about the datedness of Junebug-jumping because, like, we really respect warner. Old School Senator John Warner, who was one of the "Gang of 14," who stood athwart the soi-dissant "nuclear option," has lived an extraordinary and patriotic life. He started out as a bully at the Establishmentarian St. Albans School in DC with Gore Vidal; from WilliamDunlap.com:

"The late Washington raconteur Jack Skuce told me that Vidal and Virginia's future senator John Warner were the bullies of St. Albans School, pushing the younger boys off their bicycles--crucial early training for both, given their subsequent careers in the arts and politics."

Subsequently Warner served as a first lieutenent in Korea, ultimately becoming Secretary to the Navy, a representative to the Law of the Sea talks from 1969-73, and the Senior Senator from the state of Virginia.

He also married Elizabeth taylor in the late 1970s disco era (earning mentions in "Warhol's Diaries"), and --even better -- engineered the defeat of opportunistic extra-chromosomal bottomfeeder Oliver North to the Senate in Virginia, a signal act of aristocratic sangfroid. The nation belatedly thanks The Senator.

There is a question now whether he will run again or not. If he does, he will be 81. While Warner has done some mimimal fundraising, there are questions that the lack of it suggests he might retire.

We need good men like John Warner, in America's Hour of the Wolf, in the United States Senate.

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