Tuesday, May 22, 2007

On The GOP and the Latino Vote

Hyper-intelligent political strategist and Triangulator Dick Morris today veers mightily from his usual bloggins that feed his Obsessive-Compulsive Clinton Disorder to tackle -- ehr, no pun intended -- the Immigration Bill. Morris is insightful, of course, once he breaks the repetetive chains of his Clintonian compulsions and fixes a level gaze at other issues confronting our Democracy turned Empire. Says Morris in TheHill:

"The Republican Party can decide whether it lives or dies by whether or not it blocks the immigration compromise from passing this year. If the GOP prevents it from going through and a Democratic president pushes it through a Democratic Congress in 2009, the GOP will suffer as much among Hispanic voters as it did among black voters after Barry Goldwater crusaded agianst the Civil Rights Bill in his 1964 election campaign. Until Goldwater did that, blacks usually voted Republican. Kennedy won over about 60 percent of them when he called Coretta Scott King while her husband was in jail. But LBJ got the 90 percent of the black vote that has since become his party’s expected share as a direct result of Goldwater’s campaign."

And one wonders what a ticket with, say, Bill Richardson on the ticket -- as, say, Veep for Gore, running on "Competence" -- might do to reverse the Karl Rove gains on the Latino vote. (TheHill)

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