Monday, May 21, 2007

Media-Whore's D'oevres

Paula Abdul breaks her goddam nose trying to avoid a fucking Chihuahua. Straight up: We couldn't make this shit up if we tried, folks. (TMZ)

All-around gentleman Lockhart Steele leaving Gawker for Curbed. "Under Steele's watch, Gawker Media has seen traffic nearly quadruple, from 28 million to 110 million page views per month, according to traffic provided by Gawker." (FishbowlNY)

"(Marc) Jacobs .. spoke candidly about his recent stint in rehab. 'I’d had a relapse and started to drink a bit, and got involved in going to parties and doing things I shouldn’t be doing,' he admitted. 'But it wasn’t so awful. That’s what rehab is about for me. It was a chance for me to do some meditation ..'" (Fashionweekdaily)

"Gore is one of the very few people in America who could enter the presidential contest as late as he wants without immediately facing the impossibility of raising the tens of millions of dollars required to get his message out. That's partly because Gore could seed a campaign with his new personal wealth, earned in part by getting on the Google bandwagon well before the company went public. It's also because, as the Associated Press reported, a class of America's richest donors -- the Silicon Valley elite, led by Apple's Steve Jobs -- are keeping their financial powder dry for their new friend, the former vice president.

"'Al's the guy,' Jobs told Time." (Politico)

"Then last night at the Waldorf-Astoria in the Grand Ballroom, the Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity held its Award Dinner and Oprah Winfrey was the Guest of Honor and recipient of the Foundation’s Humanitarian Award ... Oprah’s award was bestowed in recognition of her global humanitarian efforts. She was presented with the Tzedaka Box, of which the inscription on it read: The Elie Wiesel Foundation Humanitarian Award to Oprah Winfrey in Recognition of her Global Humanitarian Efforts and Her Dedication to Children’s Welfare. Tzedaka boxes were found in synagogues throughout Eastern Europe until the Second World War. They are still used to collect funds which are then distributed anonymously to the needy." (NYSD)

"Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) and Barack Obama (D-Ill.) have intensified their fight for congressional endorsements, setting up whip operations in which their surrogates are cajoling undecided lawmakers to get off the fence .. Members of Congress are important to presidential candidates because they can raise money and mobilize voters in early primary states. But they will also serve as super delegates at next year’s presidential nominating convention in Denver." (TheHill)

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