Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Media-Whore D'Oevres

"Also (At the Waldorf Astoria), at separate tables, were Oprah's longtime beau, Stedman Graham, and her best pal, Gayle King. The increasingly rare presence of Stedman with Oprah prompted even Ted Koppel to observe that he and his wife, Grace, just celebrated their 44th anniversary, but 'Oprah and Steadman have been engaged for longer than that.'" (RushandMolloy)

"Over on the edge of the crowd on other side of the room were a couple (married) who are not as famous as some of the other writers, such as the aforementioned, but very famous amongst their peers in what is this New York literary colony: Judith Miller, the New York Times reporter (I don’t think you need to be filled in there) and the very famous editor Jason Epstein." (NYSD)

"'But it was always, I think, a pretty serious and hard-hitting newscast,' (Katie Courik) said. 'I think now it's even harder. I disagree with people who sort of say it was too feature-y, because I don't really think that was the case. There were sidebar stories that would appear on the front page of any major newspaper in this country. And I think [with] the 24/7 news cycle in its current incarnation, that oftentimes to do a good news show you have to look beyond the headlines and beyond simply what happened, and talk about other issues as well.'" (PhillyEnq)

"Angelina Jolie has decided to take a year off to spend time with her family, PEOPLE has learned. 'I'm working this summer. I'm in Prague for a few months, then I take two months off, then I work for two months,' Jolie said Tuesday while promoting A Mighty Heart at the Cannes Film Festival. 'And then I take a year off.'" (People)

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