Thursday, May 10, 2007

Mary Jo Wishes Joey and Amy Fisher Die "Horrible Deaths"

Let the ghoulish countdown to when the well-worn loins of Joey Buttafuoco -- Eew -- and Amy Fisher once again join in unholy congress -- Eew-- begin. Yesterday, Joey Buttafuocco announced that he was going to have dinner with Amy Fisher next week, all, to be sure, captured on film by the oily David Krief. From Marksfriggin yesterday:

"David, the guy on the phone, said that this could be Joey and Amy getting back together and he thinks that it would be a perfect ending to this story. Howard asked Joey if he thinks that this could make the news if he gets back together. Joey said that he's looking forward to getting together with Amy. Joey said that she's not the same person she was but he is looking forward to seeing her. David said that Amy is actually going to be doing Playboy. He said that he's managing her but he's not orchestrating them getting back together or anything like that. They will be doing a TV show based around them though."

And today:

"Howard said he got a lot of e-mail about Artie bashing David (sic, Krief) on yesterday's show. He talked about yesterday's show and what went on with Joey Buttafuoco and David (sic, Krief). Artie was trying to convince Joey not to get together with Amy Fisher. He went off on David during that segment. Howard also mentioned that Mary Jo wrote an e-mail to David Creef and forwarded it to them. She told him that she hopes that the two of them die a horrible death in her note."

Charmed, I'm sure (Marksfriggin)

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