Monday, April 16, 2007

Dick Morris: "Will somebody take away John McCain’s checkbook?"

(image via caglecartoon)

Dick Morris tears himself away from his near-psychotic fixation on Senator Hillary Clinton, the wife of the man who "roughed him up" that one time, to focus on Senator and former Naval war hero John McCain, who appears to be spending his campaign monies not unlike a drunken sailor (Averted Gaze). From TheHill Blog:

"Will somebody take away John McCain's checkbook? His presidential candidacy is floundering, in part, because he is just spending too much money. The campaign expenditure reports are in and McCain is spending his money just as fast as he’s raising it. In the last quarter, he raised $12 million to Rudy’s $15 million. Sounds close, right?

"Appearances are deceiving. McCain actually has only $5 million left and he owes $2million of that in unpaid bills, while Rudy has $12 million and he’s current on all his obligations. So Giuliani has four times the amount of money that McCain has for the rest of the primary season. And Mitt Romney, who made everybody take notice when he filed that he’d raised $23 million, now appears to have spent half of that already. A big part of McCain’s problem is that he has hired every consultant he can find."

Between that, and his campaign, which spent last week at VMI fighting the ghosts of Vietnam (Even as fellow war hero and Senator Chuck Hagel dispelled them), and the consequences of an American defeat, things are going rather intensely for McCain. More (TheHill)

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