Monday, March 26, 2007

Steve Jobs' "Gift" to Obama?

Obama drama! What if Silicon Valley's king-of-all-hipsters Steve Jobs was a stealth member of "Team Obama"? Politico blogger Ben Smith proposes an interesting theory today, explaining:

"Apple's Steve Jobs hasn't been much of a player in presidential politics lately. His last contribution to a presidential candidate went to Bill Bradley.

"But a friend in the entertainment business points out that he gave Barack Obama a huge, tacit gift this month:

"By declining to exercise his copyright, Jobs kept the famous '1984' ad on the air. He could easily have asked YouTube to pull the a video composed largely of an old Apple spot, and YouTube probably would have done so without any legal action required. That could have happened after the first 2,700 views of a video that's now been watched 2.7 million times.

"What's more, the company isn't typically seen as a shrinking violet in the intellectual property arena. But when I asked Apple spokesman Steve Dowling about this last week, he declined to comment on any aspect of the video."

The full post here (Politico)


  1. Anonymous9:51 PM

    yeah, i believe that jobs must have LOVED the re-engineered spot. it pretty obvs he's has no soft spot for hils at all.

    also, he's buds with gore. they must of been IM-ing like 7th graders when this finally splashed in main stream media outlets.

  2. totally agree, vita.
