Wednesday, March 28, 2007

On Bjork's 'Volta'

The above is such a vicious tease of what's to come, namely: Bjork and Timbaland. Our heart beats a little bit faster at the prospect of this release. If you are anything like The Corsair, you are avidly awaiting Björk's latest, "Volta" with baited breath. From Pitchforkmedia:

"When Björk was creating her new album Volta (due out May 7 in Europe and May 8 in America on One Little Indian/Atlantic), the state of the world was on her mind. As she told Pitchfork's Brandon Stosuy, a trip to tsunami-ravaged Indonesia in January 2005 inspired her to think about the human race as "a tribe," and to make 'some universal tribal beat' for this album.

"Nowhere is Björk's concern for the planet more apparent than on Volta's first single, 'Earth Intruders'. Based on a loopy, frenetic Timbaland marching beat, with added percussion by African collective Konono N°1, it's the album's catchiest song, with Björk chanting 'We are the Earth's intruders / We are the sharp shooters.'"

And, from Scott Lapatine's Stereogum:

"Over the past few days we've been receiving emails about an odd MySpace friend of Björk's (bottom right on her list of 'friends'), itshardtofindbandnames. Location: Iceland. Name: Gerome Voltaire. The page for Mr. (or Ms.?) itishardtofindbandnames, created on 3/21, has interesting snippets of audio, bizarre video, and this message:

"What I'm presenting here at the moment is something I recorded at some listening session in Reykjavik with an Icelandic artist, which I then cut up and added noises and images to. I hope she doesn't mind.
Sounds like a leak-y fan to us, but then again, prominently linked on Björk's Myspace? And so many tips in our inbox suggest that the site (and subsequently leaked vids) are proof that Björk is getting all Trent Reznor on us."

Bjork is playing United Palace Theater on May 5th, and we. Are. So. There. Fuck that Oscar dress mess mishap.

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