Monday, March 05, 2007

Not Stengel's Best Media Moment

One of the more amusing moments on The Week with George Stephanopoulos -- ! -- was when Richard Stengel went on the show to promote that "You" were Time Magazine's 2006 Person of the Year (Averted Gaze). Yeah, we'll be sure to save that for the resume, senior "Assy." One hasn't lived until you have seen a rather shellshocked man of Stengel's self-perceived calibre taking a simultaneous "sheet beating" from the likes of the ultimate Washington Policy squid trifecta of George Stephanopoulos, George Will and Cokie Roberts. They really took his lunch money on that one. Watching George Will unleash on a clearly battered Stengel, head held low, was like watching the AV Squad throwing down over an improper conjugation of Klingon.

New York Magazine hips us everything one wants -- and doesn't really want -- to know about Time Magazine's Stengel. NyMag recounts the painful process of how Our Man Stengel got to that low point that made everyone in The Chattering Class cringe:

"Stengel has also drawn criticism for his selection of 'You' as Time’s Person of the Year, depicted with a novelty mirror on the cover. He was roundly mocked on Comedy Central’s The Daily Show for his appearance on CNN to promote the issue. '[It’s] you!' announced Stengel, flashing the cover before American Morning host Soledad O’Brien. 'You! Me! Everyone!'

"Stengel claims it was good for the magazine. 'I loved seeing myself on The Daily Show,' says Stengel. 'I thought that was great. Was Time magazine talked about more than it’s been talked about in any way in a long time? Yes.'

"Not in a good way, of course."

Way to go Soledad O'brien, taking one for the team. You're a champ, doll.

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