Thursday, March 08, 2007


Lunch at Michael: Tina Brown in Black Leather


The Michaelsologists at FishbowlNY leave us today pondering a couple of intriguing questions: 1) What were chatty, horny media talking head Charlie Rose and former Clinton Attorney General nominee Zoe Baird -- until NannyGate sunk it -- talking about? Enquiring minds want to know. And, Two: How does Lady Tina Brown of the beloved "Topic A" really look in black leather? And who was the beauty Queen noshing with Melania Trump, and Does Donald allow that? Okay, 4 questions. From FishbowlNy:

"When a little birdie told us to switch our weekly reservation from Wednesday to Thursday so as not to miss the confab of publishing powerhouses that were expected today, we did so in a heartbeat. We're happy to report today's crowd didn't disappoint. Where else could you see Newsweek honcho Jon Meacham bow down to Tina Brown at Mayor Joe Armstrong's table, or watch a gaggle of social swans fawn over Project Runway breakout star Tim Gunn while cooling their Jimmy Choos in the lounge? The worlds of substance and style collided today at 55th & Fifth.

The results kept us so busy gawking that we barely finished our salad nicoise:

1. Mayor Joe Armstrong presiding over one of his legendary lunches with a host of truly impressive guests. Tina Brown arrived looking every inch the power blonde in black leather and was greeted with great fanfare by all including an enthusiastic hug from neighboring diner and former Condé Nast colleague Shirley Lord. We can't wait for Tina's new book, The Diana Chronicles, due out in June from Doubleday with an excerpt to run in Vanity Fair. Word is she breaks big news about the People's Princess. We can't imagine what's left to reveal, but we're all ears! Joe kept the conversation flowing among pals Liz Smith, Newsweek's Jon Meacham, ABC News producer Kathy O'Hearn, Random House's Susan Mercandetti (who edited Bob Woodruff's new book, In An Instant. The ABC newsman's tale of recovery following his near-death experience in Iraq as written mainly by his wife will debut at number one on the Times bestseller list Sunday, March 16. Couldn't happen to nicer guy!).

"... 3. Charlie Rose and Zoe Baird. The talkshow host looking more debonair than usual (the no tie look really works for you, Charlie) held Ms. Baird's rapt attention throughout lunch — must have been a very intriguing tale ...

"... 11. Gil Schwartz and daughter Nina. Nice to see the CBS spinmeister out and about on what is certainly been a tough week — both USA Today and the Daily News have sharpened their knives for Katie Couric and yesterday's news that CBS News producer Rome Hartman had been replaced with former MSNBC president Rick Kaplan no doubt kept Gil's blackberry buzzing ...

"... 18. Melania Trump with an equally-stunning and exotic-looking dark-haired beauty. We're told the mystery woman is a beauty queen from one of hubby Donald's pageants.

"... 20. Patricia Duff all in black. (Loved those killer stiletto boots!)

"... 23. Howard Wolfson."

The full list here. (FishbowlNY)

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