Saturday, March 24, 2007

Advisor Urged Bush to Skip Gridiron Dinner

President Bush apparently skipped the Washington A-List annual satire of politics and newsmakers for political reasons. According to our favorite Dickensian villain, Robert Novak:

"The reason given by the White House for President Bush missing the 122nd annual Washington Gridiron dinner March 31 is that he will entertain Brazil's President Lula da Silva that weekend. But a key adviser urged him six weeks ago to skip the gathering of the journalists club.

"The adviser attended the Jan. 27 Alfalfa dinner in Washington and was struck by the 'tepid' greeting given the president by the elite audience. If an audience presumed friendly to Bush was cool, he feared the reception from hostile newsies.

"Vice President Dick Cheney cleared up a schedule conflict so that he could substitute for the president at the Gridiron dinner."

Great. Another evening of shooting in the face jokes and rubbery chicken.

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