Saturday, February 10, 2007

Spielberg Backs Hillary

(image via usc)

Even as the "audacious" Senator Barack Obama and his formidable media maven launch his Presidential campaign, sure to be the hot topic on Sunday's talking heads shows (And let's hope John McLaughlin uses this as a launching pad for another riveting "African-American themed" topical discussion) Steven Spielberg took the opportunity to offset his publicly displayed anger at Brad Gray by doing something positive, namely, solidly backing Hillary Clinton's Presidential campaign. This, of course, puts him squarely at odds with his Dreamworks partners. But, hey, it is gold for bloggers. And, of course, Bill Maher, who returns -- after being so sorely missed -- to HBO next week (The Corsair sips some choice 2002 Chateauneuf du Pape). From our favorite Dickensian villain (the three-piece suits, the steadfast fidelity to a capital gains tax cut) Robert Novack:

"Democratic sources say Hollywood producer Steven Spielberg, previously listed as a probable supporter of Sen. Barack Obama for president, has agreed to host a major fund-raiser for Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton.

"David Geffen and Jeffrey Katzenberg, Spielberg's colleagues at the DreamWorks film studio, are backing Obama. It was thought that Spielberg was too, but sources say Bill Clinton prevailed on him to help his wife. All three men were generous backers of the former president."

That Bill Clinton, seducing the most powerful man in Hollywood. Did he bite his lip and look directly into Spielberg's eyes when he made his pitch. Did Clinton give a manly handshake, pull him in and hold his elbowwith his left hand to show Spielberg that what he had to say was important to the former President; Spielberg was, to Clinton, the most important man in the room. That's The Clinton Touch, brother.

The 90s were so much fun not only because of Web 1.0 and the attendant irrational exhuberance that goes along with everyone making boatloads of money; the 90s were fun because Bill Clinton uderstood -- like Rumsfeld and Cheney so clearly never will -- the importance of Soft Power. Don't you miss Bill Clinton?

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