Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Peaches Geldoff: Madonna Is Irrelevant

(image via abc.au)

Let's all ignore Paris. Shall we just all collectively turn our backs on her, feign detachment with exaggerated coughsd and enjoy each others' wit as she vies, in vain, to regain our attention post N-wordGate? Since Paris Hilton is, quite frankly a racist STD petri-dish (Oh-no-he-didnt!), we have taken it upon ourselves, rather boldly, to search high and low for the NextBig Thing. We nominate Peaches Geldoff, the outspoken wild-child of Rock Royal "Bob Geldoff," she's a little bit Bijou, only less physically violent, with a dash of Mary-Kate. She will be our little Ango-import.

She says what we all think, in an authoritiative voice, to ThisisLondon:

"Peaches Geldof clearly doesn't know how to respect royalty. The 17-year-old, who's famous for being... well Sir Bob Geldof 's daughter, decided to have a go at the Queen of Pop at the Elle Style Awards last night.

"Peaches branded Madonna, who was awarded the Style Icon award but failed to show up to collect it, "irrelevant" and claimed 'she's mutton dressed as lamb.'

"Peaches ... said: 'In the Eighties Madonna was a style icon but now she's rehashing everything that's been done already.

"'I am definitely not a fan - she looks like mutton dressed as lamb. She is just not relevant now. She's up there on a pedestal and that's why people are honouring her, but it's not right.'"

What is adorable is that "In the 80s" peaches was probably a fetus. Still, she is quite correct. and she doesn't use the "N-word" like Paris -- one time too often -- does.

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