Friday, February 16, 2007

Note to Larry King: Shut The Fuck Up

(image via nndb)

As an African-American The Corsair is acutely aware of the fact that, ehr, some people like to, uh, "conversate (festina lente)," in the theater, as the movie is going on. Unless one is sitiuated at the Magic Johnson Theater on 125th Street or a similar venue, where everybody is on the same page, talking while watching is generally frowned upon behavior. Generally. But not if you are Larry King, the Teflon Don. As if it isn't bad enough that we have to endure King's endless conversational softballs (Think about what his trophy wife has to do with those King-ly "softballs;" Eew), the wheezy laugh, the Pumpkin head, the smarmy history of cons, and, finally, the dark knowledge that King *allegedly* wears absorbent adult undergarments, now this. From Popwatch:

"Universal Pictures held a critics' screening of the new Ryan Phillippe-Chris Cooper FBI-espionage thriller Breach last Friday morning, and I attended. I sat right there in the front row of the tiny private screening room, and old Lar happened to be perched in the row behind me. Shortly after the movie started, however, Lar started getting calls on his cell phone. Polite guy that he is, he had the thing set on vibrate. Less-than-polite guy that he is, he kept getting in and out of his seat to take the calls. (Gotta love how you could see his perfectly-coiffed profile move along the screen in silhouette each time he went back and forth.) Even-lesser-than-polite guy that he is, he gave up on exiting the auditorium after a while and just had his conversations while sitting in his seat. Right there. While the big Hollywood film was playing and others were trying to watch."

What we want to know is how someone who is such a Movie Quote Whore could spend so much time on the phone during a film? Is King just ... phoning it in?

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