Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Measuring 9.5 on the Richter Scale, Los Angeles Rocked by Steven Spielberg's Anger

Don't make this man angry, you wouldn't like him when he's angry. (image via elliotback)

Even one day later, the serene contents of waterbottles at The Ivy still ripple registering the disturbance caused by a major eruption of Steven Spielberg's anger. Not since Aaron Spelling was producing "Jiggle TV" have more Los Angeles implants been jarred abruptly from the rest position. When "Big Daddy" gets upset, the whole city, of course, feels it and reacts by curling into the fetal position. From the Gray Lady yesterday:

"Mr. Spielberg, who rarely speaks out about such corporate matters, is concerned that the studio he built with the music impresario David Geffen and the movie executive Jeffrey Katzenberg is losing its identity, something he has furiously fought to protect.

“'I’m certain that had I decided not to go along with the sale of DreamWorks, we probably would have gotten less money from either bidder,' Mr. Spielberg said in an interview two weeks ago, alluding to the studio’s two suitors for the acquisition, Viacom and General Electric. 'I wasn’t compelled to renew my contract. I could have just, sort of, taken the money and run, and I didn’t. I chose to stay with the studio I co-founded.'

“'At the same time, I have some bargaining power,' Mr. Spielberg continued. 'I insisted, contractually, on autonomy for DreamWorks if I was going to continue under the Paramount and Viacom funding arrangement. So I take exception when the press is contacted by our friends and partners at Paramount, who refer to every DreamWorks picture as a Paramount picture. It is not the case.'"

Note to Brad Gray: This is not your nemesis Gary Shandling. Gary Shandling is not to be tossed aside lightly; he must be thrown with great force.

This is Steven Spielberg. Give him respect.

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