Monday, February 26, 2007

Jim Cramer outs himself as a Democrat

(image via 923freefm)

Jim Cramer's political ideology was, until Sunday a closely guarded secret. we have, oddly, been fascinated with what Jim Cramer actually was -- Demopublican or Republicrat -- for some time now. He used to appear on Kudlow and Cramer with Larry "Blowcaine" Kudlow. Kudlow, who believes that the answer to all of Life's Great Questions begins and ends with a Capital Gains Tax, constantly threw out Republican red meat. The Capital gains tax cut is Kudlow's new booger sugar. Cramer, defltly, always avoided giving a direct answer. And, a propos of nothing, Kudlow works that evaporating combover with the studied intensity of a goddam Yogin (You do your thing, Kudlow, you ... do your thing).

But Jim Cramer also, lovingly, reminded us of his alliance with New York Governor Elliot Spitzer (They were classmates at Law school). On The Chris Matthews Show, however, the mystery finally came to an end with Cramer saying "we" when discussing the Democrats. Matthews quickly pounced, saying, "Did you just say 'we'?"

Cramer responded, "well I guess I just outed myself." Whenever someone says, "Who gives a fuck about Cramer," we reply, meekly, "he counts." We particularly like this tidbit from James Cramer's autobiographical Confessions of a Street Addict:

"(Cramer's former boss at American Lawyer, the hyperagrro Steven Brill) never did know when to quit, though, and could not bear to lose at anything. At the firm's summer outing at Brill's Westchester mansion, he divided us into teams, placing us in his pool, and insisted we play a vicious game of water polo where dunking was encouraged and expected. He relished the contact, being a head taller than just about anyone else on the opposing squad, including me. Just as I was about to score what would have been the tying goal for my team, Brill sank his teeth into my throwing arm, spouting blood into the clear water in a steady stream. As everyone looked on in horror, I could only laugh. That was Steve all over."


  1. Up next: someone outs Tim Russert. Right? Never happen.

  2. Never happen. Everyone knows that Tim Russert is the fairest Buffalo Democrat in the business. He has never, ever -- so long as I've watched -- hedged his bets as to whom he supports on the show. Russert is the straightest shooter in DC.

  3. I always thought it was common knowledge that Cramer was a Democrat. Maybe that was before he became truly famous. But certainly there have been hints in his New York columns consistently.

  4. True. He's a very, very free market NY Democrat, anyway, resembling a Rockefeller Republican. I wonder if disclosing his political affiliation will hurt him in the blogosphere.

  5. This has been publicly known for several years. Shoot, an article in Business Week, two years before this post, named Cramer a "lifetime Democrat." Where you been. Bet your waiting for word from the pony express on the next stagecoach headed west.
