(image via Thatsweird)
Nothing good has come to these United States since Hugh Grant and Liz Hurley crossed the Atlantic and really fucked up everyone's good time for us Yanks. The Sir Edmund Hillary of Social Climbers, Liz Hurley, was *allegedly* let go from Estee Lauder because her hyper-aggressive golddigging were *allegedly* becoming an embarrasment. And look what a jinxie-poo she is. How much Box Office business has a Liz Hurley picture ever driven (Averted Gaze)? Our point exactly.
She has the charisma of an onion, true believers. But compared to that bloodless bottomfeeder Hugh Grant, who likes his hookers like he likes his coffee, Hurley is positively Miss. Electricity. We should restart the American Revolution against Britain just for exporting those two clowns. We went all Boston Tea Party
on the British Empire under less provocation. Liz Hurley and Hugh Grant can only be properly construed under International Law as Casus Belli. We demand satisfaction...
From the 3AMGirls:
"Guests at her 33rd party in London on Tuesday were astounded to hear her boyfriend of three years accusing her of being a 'dictator' and a nag."
African Dictator Chic notwithstanding (Exaggerated cough suggesting feigned detachment), that's the kind of positively citric remark that Grant has been carelessly slinging lately. And we don't appreciate it. Remember that bitchy little dig at the Golden Globes with Drew Barrymore ("Yeah, it's in French")? More:
"Jemima had made a joke about 46-year-old Hugh’s reluctance to commit which clearly irked the famously grumpy actor, leading to a big public bust-up.
"Our source at the bash, held at The George restaurant in Mayfair, tells us: 'The night started off pretty well and they arrived looking very coupley.
“'But when Jemima started chatting to her guests she made a joke about commitment phobia that didn’t go down too well – to say the least.
“She said, 'If I had a child with Hugh, his dad would be 60 before he was even a teenager. That’s how long it takes Hugh to make up his mind'. Jemima also said that the promotional schedule for his new film, Music And Lyrics, meant that they weren’t seeing a lot of each other, which was obviously annoying her.'
"... Our spy continues: 'Hugh didn’t think her comments were appropriate at all. He told her: 'You’re too overpowering, Jemima. Strong is one thing but you’re behaving like a dictator.'"
This is Jemima Khan, heiress/daughter of the former Sir Jimmy Goldsmith, billionaire. We won't entertain the possibility that Hugh Grant is naught else but a "saucy manwhore (Exaggerated cough suggesting feigned detachment)." We're just tossing it out there as a distinct possibility that she is footing much of the bills of their exhausting life of parties and yachts and beaches.
"... It’s not the first time Hugh and Jemima, who used to be married to cricketer Imran Khan, have rowed at a party.
"In 2005, at Elton John’s lavish White Tie And Tiara Ball, Jemima lost her rag and hurled a volley of four-letter abuse at Hugh after his former lover, Liz Hurley, seductively sucked his finger."
Liz and Hugh, everyone-- antidotes to Anglophilia.
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