Monday, February 05, 2007

Henry Blodget Versus Jim Cramer, or, Who Gives a Financial Flying Fuck

(image via tvnewser)

There's something obnoxiously gassy and crude about the financial windbags cluttering the media landscape trafficking their shoddy wares. They are far more sleazy than the lawyer-ish gasbags (Geraldo, Greta, Nancy Grace, Charlie Rose) plying their oily trade, in that attorneys at least are somewhat good at arguing for the sake of arguing if not at Platonic inquiry into the Nature of Things (Exaggerated cough suggesting feigned detachment). And -- worse -- the Financios exude that jocular hyper-aggro behavior largely tolerated on "The Street," (Arched eyebrow followed by dismissive wave)but frowned upon rightly by civilized society.

No two of this species are more noxious than Jim "Is That His Head or did his Neck Just Blow a Bubble" Cramer, and Tweedle-dummerer, Henry "Slim Shady"Blodget. From TVNewser:

"Last week, Henry Blodget said CNBC's Jim Cramer gives 'terrible investment advice' and advised people not to trust stock picks from 'a chair-throwing, self-aggrandizing clown.'"

15-Love, Blodget. TVNewser Continues:

"In today's WP, Cramer tells Howard Kurtz this is nothing but 'revenge' for his criticisms of the former investment banker.

"Cramer says it is 'appalling' that CNBC recently interviewed Blodget about his new book. Blodget's retaliation, says Cramer, came after Cramer took the unusual step of criticizing his own network for doing the interview."

30-Love, Cramer.

From Slate:

"It would be impossible to write a 'Bad Advice' column about investing without discussing Jim Cramer. I have been through several stages of feelings about Cramer. My initial belief was that the former hedge-fund manager, host of CNBC's hit show Mad Money, and author of several books about speculating was perhaps the worst thing to happen to the financial security of average Americans since the crumbling of the Social Security system."

More of "The Dozens" starring these two bozos as Howard Kurtz, caught in the middle of these intellectual bantamweights, tries to get the Financio loserdust off of him. Seriously: Jim CVramer hasn't been on anyone's media radar since fellow lawyer-shark Steve Brill tried to eat him.

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