Graydon Carter's 800 Nearest and Dearest Friends Celebrate Good Times
(image via mediabistro)
Sunday, while many of us will be celebrating what can only be properly construed as the Gay Superbowl, namely, The Oscars (The Corsair sips The Black Wine of Cahors, elixir of Popes, pronouncing it "earthy"), 800 of E. Graydon Carter's nearest and dearest friends -- none presumably from his Canadian beginnings -- will be attending the Vanity Fair Oscar party at Mortons, or, as Graydo himself likes to call it, "The First Room." Let's hope that it goes off without a hitch (But with a Hitchens), as -- clearly -- the stress of the meticulously guest list has stressed out Graydo, he of the archierctonically Medieval hairdo (Exaggerated cough suggesting feigned detachment)From Mononline(link via FishbowlNY):
"Graydon Carter's Academy Awards dinner/party at West Los Angeles' Morton's is now a fixture, but we remember the editor-in-chief's (since August 1992) relatively intimate gathering at the 1994 debut. This Sunday (February 25), there may be as much press as guests (estimated 800-strong)."
Just don't make Graydo's angry (You wouldn't like it when he's angry), he just might toss a scaffold at you. He's quit Winston Lights, you know.
"...but with a Hitchens."