Conrad Black Restricts Book Tour Because of Criminal Charges; Richard Nixon, the Subject of His Biography, Would Be Proud
(image via cbc)
There is delicious irony -- and yes, The Corsair said "delicious" with a straight face -- in the fact that media mogul Conrad Black, he of the Towering Biographies of Elder Statesmen of Unsurpassed Ambition has to curtail his book tour becasue he is facing ... criminal charges. But here's the kicker. The subject of his latest coffee-table busting, tree-slaughtering tome?
Why, none other than the first and only American President to resign in disgrace. Do you think perhaps there is something to be learned from this? Other than, of course, Shadenfreude and about a half-dozen other compound German words that reek of Tragedy. The Gray Lady on Lord Black of Crossharbour:
"A court date is not the only thing marked on the spring calendar of Conrad M. Black, the former chairman of Hollinger International. At the same time that he is scheduled to be in court facing charges of criminal fraud and money laundering in Chicago, Mr. Black will also be promoting his new biography of Richard M. Nixon, 'The Invincible Quest: The Life of Richard Milhous Nixon,' to be published in May.
"Because he will be in Chicago for the trial, Mr. Black will promote the book in Canada and Britain through radio and television appearances.
“'Interviewing can be done in any number of venues, and it is not as restrictive as it once was when the author had to go on a 40-city tour,' said Michael Levine, Mr. Black’s literary agent. 'Obviously in an ideal world, the author would travel extensively, but in this case there are distractions that may limit travel.'"
Let's hope that during the course of his researches In the Arena with the late President he learned how to avoid the pokie.
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Thank you for your kind words, Ripper. Keep at it daily. I've just recently re-learned to be more frequent. I see you started in october. Amazing. I wasn't on a natural rhythm until about a year in. I hope to hear great things from Minor-Ripper.