Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Because She Can

(image via galleycat)

Jesse Oxfeld, socialite Olivia Chantecaille and Emily Gould, among others, showed up for the book launch of Bridie Clark's "Because She Can." From our favorite social chronicler David Patrick Columbia in NYSocialDiary:

"I went down to SoHo to the loft of Matt and Marisa Brown who were giving a book party for their friend Bridie Clark. Bridie, who graduated from Harvard in 1999 has worked as in the editorial departments of Vanity Fair, New York and Simon & Schuster. Her most recent gig was at Regan Books at HarperCollins. That Regan as in Judith Regan. Remember her?

"... Ms. Clark worked for Ms. Regan, and it was….well, she’s written a novel about it. Sorta. It’s a roman a clef. That’s 'clef' pronounced “clay,” as in “feet of.” This is the lesson, if there is one, of working for a red hot (and thinks she/he is) executive, especially one in the media where everybody loves the attention even more than they like to pay it.

"I don’t know what happened, why and when Ms. Clark left Regan Books (which is no more anyway). I spoke to her briefly about it. The book is a kind of the 'Devil Wears Prada' of the publishing world (which is just up the block from the fashion/garment center world). Yellers and screamers abound. Puerile, infantile, the bipolar syndrome. Privilege in a derelict mode. Where life meets fiction and babies are born only to morph into monsters.

"I asked Ms. Clark if she ever imagined that her boss would end up in the situation that befell her (losing her job and her imprint at a major publisher where she’d made millions for them). Answer: no she hadn’t. Because the real ending beats fiction, even Judith Regan’s fiction."

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