Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Will babs Get Chavez?

(image via sbaa)

Barbara Walters was -- and is -- a very sexy babe. When she was at her most intimidating, that's what all the other men missed. All the other newsmen were scared ... of her, and so resentful of her, that they missed the point -- she is a profoundly sensual, very female being with a great body. How can you not look at Barbara Walters and see those great tits?”

-- Geraldo Rivera, to Playboy, quoted by Variety, via salon

Time will tell whether or not Venezuelan strongman Chavez, like Fox News stronglibido Geraldo Rivera, will be moved by Barbara Walters' ... "diablos" (Exaggerated cough suggesting feigned detachment). Although Barbara Walters denies to this day that she has Biblical knowledge of Richard Pryor (Paul Mooney told Howard Stern that Pryor wanted him to "take it to the grave"), she may -- according to jossip (link via tvnewser) -- be on the verge of a Latin American coup, so to speak:

"While ailing Fidel Castro has been keeping the press at bay to avoid the off chance they might, like, hint that he's nearly dead, we hear 20/20's Barbara Walters is on her way to scoring an exclusive get with Cuba's leader. Not only that: She's taking Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez along for the ride.

"An insider tells us the ABC queen is set to fly down to Venezuela for a meeting with Chavez and then galavant northeast to the island nation for a sit down with Castro. We checked with a well-placed insider at ABC, who says the plans are moving ahead and that the interviews could take place as early as next week (Christmas time, y'all), but the details are not yet a definite go."

More here (Jossip)

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