Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Jacko's Going to Be On Stage with 30 Children

(image via people)

We all know that Europe is more liberal -- or, at the very least, less uptight -- than America. Ancient culture to newbie. They would call it more more "sophisticated." Extramartital affairs are par for the course; President Mitterand's mistress attended his funeral as an official guest. That sort of thing. Natalie Portman as an erotic foil for Jean Reno in in The Professional? Que sera, sera. But this, according to the 3AMGirls, takes the cake:

"BIG spender Michael Jackson's backstage demands for tonight's World Music Awards have gone through the roof - and a wall.

"We can reveal that Wacko Jacko has cost organisers an incredible £250,000 with requests including hair and make-up, a private jet and 20 first-class and business-class plane tickets for his entourage.

"Plus hiring out an entire five-star hotel for £50,000 a night - and they had to knock down a wall for him too.

"Jacko is headlining the extravaganza at London's Earls Court tonight.

"Our moonwalking mole us: 'He's got one of the most expensive riders in history.

"'Loads of other hotels, including the Mandarin Oriental, turned him down because they were worried about being besieged by fans.

"'They were also nervous about his demands.'

"... But we hear the diva star has had a wall knocked down between two suites so he can turn his accommodation into a giant playroom for his kids. We're told: 'Yes, it's eccentric but he wants to create a homely environment for them.

"'He's going to be on stage with about 30 children.'"

Did Jacko's tour rider specify that the children must be wearing pasties and Boba Fett underoos soas better to eye-rape them? Hmm?

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