Thursday, October 19, 2006

Picture Pages, Picture Pages ...

--But when they got home, she smacked him on the ass robustly and growled, "Now, go warm up Reecey's dinner, like a good boy." (image via wireimage)

The Indians said she was white by law. The White Man always called her "Indian Squaw"
(image via thecobrasnake)

Tommy Hilfiger, basking in the turgid afterglow of the Axl Rose ass-kicking. (image via wireimage)


  1. Anonymous10:45 AM

    I don't understand the comments here and elsewhere about Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Phillipe. Is there a rumor about her personality I'm unaware of? Because if not, it's just sexism to make jokes about her being overbearing because she makes a bigger paycheck.

  2. e: I am not making fun of Reece Witherspoon, dear. I'm making fun of Ryan Phillippe who, at the Golden Globe's, seemed quite uncomfortable with all the attention his wife was getting for "Walk the Line." This blog has been teasing him for quite some time on the issue. The Corsair isn't sex-ist: The Corsair is sex-y

    Peace, love and Soul Train,

  3. Anonymous3:00 PM

    My apologies. I can see I took that a little too seriously.
