Thursday, October 12, 2006

Is Kissinger Worth the Soundbyte?


Although we inititally thought that President George Bush -- like Andrew Cuomo -- was primarily motivated politically-psychologically in avenging his father's humiliating loss, nowadays, it seems almost as if he is animated by a cruel sense of one-upmanship The Corsair lights up a Macanudo Robust Baron de Rothschild). How else does one explain unilateralism, that significant Bush 43 artifact, which is diametrically opposed to internationalism, that significant Bush 41 artifact (Exaggerated cough suggesting feigned detachment)? And now, that gnarled, liverspotted Machiavel -- Henry Kissinger (Averted Gaze). According to RadarOnline:

"... Bob Woodward's revelation that the gravel-voiced former secretary of state has been regularly advising President Bush and Dick Cheney on the Iraq war raised eyebrows among fans of the Nixon White House tapes, which feature Kissinger slamming Tricky Dick's idea to send George Bush Sr. to China in '71.

"Not that the feeling wasn't mutual: In Bush's 1987 memoir, Looking Forward, Kissinger is one of the only people criticized by name.

"The notion of the White House seeking his counsel is even more surprising in light of Kissinger's deteriorating health, says the source. The good doctor is all but blind in one eye, and has developed a tendency to fall asleep during meetings. 'It's truly amazing that they'd would want anything from the old man except a pro-war sound bite,' the source snipes."

Our favorite Kissinger story comes from Henry's brother, Walter:

"Henry was born on 27 May 1923; Walter was born just over a year later, on 21 June 1924. The both moved to the United States as refugees from Germany in 1938. Today Walter sounds like an American,whereas Henry has a characteristic European accent. A reporter once asked Walter why Henry had a German accent but he did not. Walter's facetious reply was, 'Because Henry doesn't listen,'"

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