Tuesday, October 10, 2006

His Girl Wants To Party All The Time ...

(image via newsoftheworld)

Eddie Murphy, who once picked up a pre-op transexual hooker named, improbably, "Shalimar (Exaggerated cough suggesting feigned detachment)" may not be too happy with the newly declared love-of-his-life, Mel C, formerly Scary Spice of that significant 90s cultural artifact "The Spice Girls (Averted Gaze)." As you can see from the above picture, she's pulling double duty. According to the extremely downmarket Newsoftheworld:

"No sooner has EDDIE MURPHY announced his love for Mel Brown, I've caught her out with a mystery man.

"Scary seemed to forget about her funnyman fella back in the States as she spent a bizarre evening cosying up to a guy in London.

"It could all mean that 2-Become-1 for Mel. My LA man told me last night: 'Eddie will be fuming at this and I wouldn't be surprised if it's all over.'

"Mel, dressed in a sexy red jacket, and her partner in a suit and scarf, arrived at the Electric Cinema in Notting Hill arm-in-arm.

"One onlooker said: 'Mel and the man were focused entirely on each other and looked like a couple. I guess it could be innocent if he was a VERY close friend�but it doesn't look good.'

"Once inside they spent the evening curled up on the sofa and twirling each other around the dancefloor.

"They were the last to leave the club at 2.30am and headed up the road�linking arms AGAIN when these snaps were taken.

"My source told me: Mel saw the photographers and panicked. She was swearing and said �This picture is going to cause me so much trouble, please don't sell it'.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:46 PM

    what is this site all about i thought it was for teens to just chat and have a cool time not to gossip about other peoples life's weird dude or dudet
