Saturday, October 14, 2006

Dean Acheson as Metaphor

(image via theonion)

Gnarled, liverspotted former Secretary of State and current Master of the Universe Henry the K has been in the business of doublespeak for so damn long he is probably entirely unable to not dissemble, even just a little bit. Oriana Fallaci's cowboy metaphor he let drop notwithstanding, the closest he has ever come to a straightforward defense of himself is done, with all the sangfroid of a goddam headwaiter, by using Dean Acheson in the NYTimes Book Review. With regards to Acheson, Kissy writes:

"For someone like myself, who knew Acheson, Beisner�s portrait does not always capture the vividness of his personality, which emerges too much as a list of eccentricities. Acheson�s relationship with the Nixon White House, and to President Nixon himself, is too cavalierly dismissed as the result of ego and an old man�s vanity. As a participant in all these meetings, I considered that relationship an example of Acheson�s generosity of spirit. Nixon had made essentially unforgivable attacks on Acheson during his 1952 campaign for vice president. But when he reached out to Acheson, it was received with the consideration Acheson felt he owed to the office, as a form of duty to the country. Acheson dealt with the issues Nixon put before him thoughtfully, precisely, without any attempt at flattery, in pursuit of his conception of national service and, unlike some other outside advisers, without offering advice that had not been solicited."

Hmm. Former Secretary of State visits current President -- Sounds like someone we know? Was Kissinger, like Acheson, demonstrating "generosity of spirit ... in pursuit of his conception of national service"?

Fuck no, but nice try, Henry.

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