Monday, September 11, 2006

99 Out of 100 Tyrants Prefer Bill Richardson


(image via freenewmexican)

If Tyrants and dictators had a club, Bill Richardson would be cooling out not in the VIP room. That would be for lightweights like Robert Mugabe. No, The Governor of New Mexico would be behind the roped off table at the back of the VIP section. V-VIP; that's just how he rolls. Endangered species would be opn the menu, like Cheetah steaks with Chateau Margeau, or something like that.

For some reason the amiable former UN Ambassador is beloved by some of the nastiest characters on this planet. His hyper-thymotic, super-aggressive ambition frightens even them. African strongmen, Korean fascists -- they all love him; he's one of their own.

Now, National Geographic Reporter Salopek was releaed with a little help from the Governor of New Mexico. Says FreeNewMexico:

"'The president of Sudan agreed Friday to release an American journalist and two Chadians who were jailed on charges of espionage after meeting with New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson.

"Chicago Tribune journalist Paul Salopek, who lives in Columbus, N.M., and his driver and interpreter will be released today.

"Richardson told CNN by telephone that he is to pick up Salopek today and 'bring him home.'"

Or, to paraphrase Ray Liotta's Henry Hill in Goodfellas, "One day the kids from the neighborhood carried my mother's groceries all the way home. You know why? It was outta respect."

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