Monday, August 28, 2006

Robert Novak: "The Time Has Way Passed For My Source To Identify Himself"


(image via

When the Prince of Darkness Robert Novak slithers out of his moist cave in the Elysian Fields at the End of the World, his gnarled finger -- bejewelled with lapiz-lazuli -- wagging, you know, you just know, the serious shit is about to hit the proverbial fan (Exaggerated cough suggesting feigned detachment).

Novak made an appearance on the jocular Tim Russert's "Meet The Press." His cloven hoofs created sparks on the floors at the NBCNews Washington bureau; he emitted a sickly-sweet odor of an evil forged in remote entiquity. He did not do so because they have the best green-room brunch spread (Stephanopoulos' spread is pathetic by comparison) . He means business, the Prince of Darkness does.

When asked if the reports that Richard Armitage was the leaker in the Plame scandal (as Newsweek's Isikoff hints), he refused to answer -- as he has consistently done -- on the grounds that he never real sources until they identify themselves (Or else where would he be?). However, he dropped down an octave, arched his eyebrow and said, with the solemnity that only a True Lion of Lucifer could muster thet: "The Time Has Way Passed For My Source To Identify Himself."

Stay tuned.

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