Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Chris Cuomo's Lust


(image via New York Observer)

ABC is like a Rennaisance Court. (cue to Henry Purcell's Music for the Funeral of Queen Mary) There are the ermine-clad Princesses (Oprah as Cordelia, Diane Sawyer as Regan, Barbara Walters as Goneril), the Fool (Jimmy Kimmel) and, of course, the ambitious young ingratiating schemer named Chris Cuomo. (Exaggerated cough suggesting feigned detachment) What is it about the Cuomo's and their unlawful lusts for power? It is disturbing how much this family is controlled by the moist Dark lust of vertical ascention with, we cannot fail to note, fucking little in the way of vision or original thinking. Just Power for the sake of power. Nice. (The Corsair expectorates into the blogosphere)

According to the salmon-colored weekly:

"In a colorful e-mail to one ABC News colleague, Chris Cuomo�son of Mario, brother of Andrew; he of the perfect hair, bone structure and political pedigree�doubted his chances of winning Charlie Gibson�s seat on Good Morning America.

"'I think I (though allegedly testing the best) am not under serious consideration, which I accept, but do not completely understand,' he wrote.

"That note, a copy of which was given to NYTV, was sent on Jan. 14, 2005. (In it, Mr. Cuomo predicted another bright-eyed correspondent, Bob Woodruff, 'who I like and respect,' would someday get the GMA job.)

"ABC News has changed a lot in the last year and a half. Mr. Cuomo, on the other hand, hasn�t. Through the death of Peter Jennings, his replacement with Mr. Woodruff and Elizabeth Vargas on World News Tonight, and their eventual replacement with Mr. Gibson on the newly renamed World News with Charlie Gibson, the youngest son of the New York political dynasty has wanted that morning anchor chair. And so, like any handsome, ambitious, Yale-educated lawyer, he has pursued it. And that pursuit, like any serious Cuomo activity, has taken on the trappings of a campaign.

"'This is not a campaign,' said Mario Cuomo, at the start of an interview with NYTV, before any suggestion was made that it was one."

Always in the background, shrounded in chiaroscuro, observing Weakness, Power and Opportunity, Mario, architect of the House of Cuomo. The full story here.

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